The Dangers of Application

Many of us believe that Bible study must be accompanied by questions like, “What difference does it make?” And “How does it apply to my life?” We have seen how prior generations could pre-occupy themselves with a study of Revelation, Daniel, and the Minor Prophets without coming to terms with the problems that were making them anxious, competitive, unemotional, demanding, critical, mean, and possessive.
Certainly, it is good to struggle with questions like, “What will this truth look like in my life?” But that is also how prior generations came up with their lists of what Christian living “looks like.” They don’t smoke (unless they’re burning with anger), they don’t drink (unless they’re getting wired with coffee), they don’t enjoy questionable entertainment (unless it involves gossip). That’s what the Pharisees were good at.

When rules of application become our principles, and when actions replace attitudes of the heart, then we have lost a grip on our religion, and it now has a grip on us; and we have probably given in to a religion that has replaced Christ rather than one that serves Him.

Tomorrow, why we should keep our focus on Christ rather than religion…