Devotions for Lent – Day 9

The Dividing Wall

“He Himself is our peace . . . And has broken down in His flesh the
dividing wall of hostility.”        (Ephesians 2:14)

Read Isaiah 59:1-15.

New England is known for its iconic and scenic stone walls. One particular wall is known as “The Spite Wall.” It was built out of a disagreement between two neighbors. It stands 11 feet high and it’s wide enough that four men can walk side by side on top of it. The neighbor just kept adding stones until the day he died. That is a lot of spite.

Praise Jesus that He doesn’t add stones to a wall every time we sin! In fact, it is just the opposite. Jesus surrendered Himself to be crushed by the wrath of His Father. In His death, He broke down the wall of hostility. It was God’s plan from the very beginning so that there would be no walls separating us from Him. Take a few moments to think of or draw a picture of a stone wall and label the stones with things that have built walls in your past.

Prayer Starter:
Jesus, You were crushed with the wrath I deserved. Help me to show my thanks by knocking down the walls in my life that separate me from others . . .