From the desk of Pastor Ben

The Father’s Testimony of the Son – Part 1

While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!”         (Matthew 17:5)

Another confirmation of Jesus’ deity was the terror caused by the intervention of the Father while Peter was still speaking. Through the form of a bright cloud, God overshadowed the 3 disciples and spoke to them in “a voice out of the cloud.” The Father spoke identical words at Jesus’ baptism (Matthew 3:17), and during Jesus’ last week in Jerusalem — only a few days before His betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion — the Father again publically and directly declared  His approval of the Son (John 12:28).

In calling Jesus His Son, the Father declared Him to be of identical nature and essence with Himself (John 5:17-20). Jesus is the essence of divine nature as the apostles repeatedly emphasize (see Romans 1:1-4; Colossians 1:3).

In calling Jesus His “beloved Son,” the Father declared not only a relationship of divine nature but also a relationship of divine love. They had a relationship of mutual love, commitment, and identification in every way.

In saying, “with whom I am well-pleased,” the Father declared His approval with everything the Son was, said, and did. Everything about Jesus was in perfect accord with the Father’s will and plan.

Ask Yourself:
Would you say you are “well-pleased” with your Lord and Savior today? Or do you perhaps take issue with Him about some of the things he has said, done, or allowed into your life? Begin or end this day by getting your trust and love for Him settled again in your heart.