The Grand Canyon
By Pastor Ben

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world
     and those who dwell therein.”        (Psalm 24:1)

If you were planning a road trip to visit the most inspiring, magnificent spots in God’s creation, where would you go? Maybe you’d want to take in the giant sequoias of Yosemite or the geysers of Yellowstone. You might visit Niagara Falls or Mount Rainier. Perhaps you’d stop to see an ocean, or a volcano, or a glacier.
For me, I guess, the Grand Canyon would be pretty high on my list. My wife Torrie has been there and seen it, but I have not and no verbal description or photo can really describe its grandeur. Its size — 277 miles long, 6,000 ft. Deep, 5.45 trillion cubic yards of volume — is simply unbelievable and spectacular!

And yet, I know of an even bigger canyon. It’s the expanse that separates us from our Heavenly Father and the gift of heaven. Our sins have created an immeasurable divide:

“But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.”        (Isaiah 59:2)

Geologists say the Grand Canyon is constantly getting deeper & wider. The same thing happens when we try to earn salvation. It only creates a wider gulf. When we try to impress God with our own holiness, the valleys in our heart only grow deeper. Because we are dead in our sins, relying on our own abilities and good works to bridge the gap is futile! There is only one way out of that canyon and it is JESUS!

We receive forgiveness and eternal life in Jesus Christ, and in Him alone. His sacrificial death on the Cross and resurrection victory three days later have made us friends of God — forever!
The bridge-building, salvation-giving, sin-forgiving Son of God, Jesus Christ, told the world:

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”                        (John 14:6)

So don’t even think about relying on yourself to build a bridge across the cavernous gap of sin! Jesus’ work on the Cross built the bridge, and God graciously invites you to cross it. Go ahead — take in the wonder of it all and run home to your Father.

Jesus, I can hardly describe how thankful I am that Your grace has bridged the gap my sinful life created . . .