The Greatest Sermon Ever
Jesus’ reputation was spreading. Crowds gathered wherever he went. Everyone wanted to be present to hear his words and witness his miracles. They hoped to hear about how he would restore the kingdom of David. They expected a kingdom on earth with all the splendor of the days of King David and King Solomon. They were surprised to hear only do a kingdom of heaven.

God’s Story:
My kingdom is not of this cursed earth. It was not built, nor is it maintained, by military might. It is a kingdom of peace, justice and mercy. I am a loving and tender king who is always present in my kingdom. My extraordinary home – heaven – is within everyone’s reach, and all are welcome to enjoy its promises and benefits. And just as I am perfect, I call my people to be perfect. Though they cannot fully attain perfection in their life on earth, that is my high standard for them. Why? Because in order for a community to work as I envisioned it before the fall of man, people cannot act out in any sinful or selfish way.

Read Matthew 5:1-48

Your Story:
You cannot live your life without a king. Without being aware of it, you will crown something or someone as ruler in your life: wealth, prestige, status, power, a person such as a hero or rock star or political figure. There is an inherent “something” within you that longs for royalty and someone to follow. Don’t pick an earthly king, because he can’t help you; he will eventually stumble and fall. Pick Jesus Christ as the King of your life. He is the perfect leader and hero. He sets a different standard that exemplifies the perfect life to come, and he guarantees everything will turn out okay.