From the desk of Pastor Ben

The Lessons of Ministry – Part 3

“Sending away the crowds, Jesus got into the boat
and came to the region of Magadan.”     (Matthew 15:39)

Our continued look at the important lessons from Jesus’ ministry at this time reveals 3 more for us today. First, Matthew’s narrative says God’s resources are never diminished or exhausted. Jesus did not need bread and fish to feed the crowd, because He could have made food from nothing, just as He created the world from nothing. The loaves and fish taught the apostles and now, us, to give what we have into His care (Luke 6:38).

The next lesson is that of a servant’s usefulness. Although Christ can do His work without us, He graciously chooses to accomplish it through us. In an instant, He could have distributed the bread and fish for the multitude, whereas it took the apostles several hours to do it. God, today, chooses to use humans to proclaim the gospel and minister to the world’s needs. In obediently serving others in the Lord’s name and power, we also serve Him, which prepares us for serving Him throughout all eternity.

Today’s last lesson — and 7th overall — is that god gives liberally, in “good measure — pressed down, shaken together, and running over” (Luke 6:38). Everyone on that mountainside ate to his or her satisfaction. By analogy, God always provides for all our physical and spiritual needs — and sometimes far beyond (Ephesians 3:20-21).

Ask Yourself:
How do you sense God wanting to use you in greater ways for His kingdom’s sake? Do you receive this as the honor it is — the God of heaven allowing you to participate in His eternal work? Follow up on what He is leading you to do, and consider it a privilege to be in His service!