The Plan Unfolds
Luke and Matthew cover different but complementary events pertaining to Jesus’ childhood. Luke 2 records Jesus’ birth and earliest days, then tells the story of Jesus at age 12 at the temple. Matthew 2 fills in some events that happened in between Jesus’ birth and age 12. The Magi were likely astrologers, perhaps from Persia or southern Arabia, both of which are east of the Holy Land. Unlike the shepherds, the Magi did not visit Jesus at the manger on the night of his birth; they probably came some months later and visited him as a “child” in his “house” (Luke 2:11)

God’s Story:
This has been a long time coming. I have planned the events of my Son’s life since time began. Those who know the words of the prophets and are attentive to the life of this child, Jesus, will realize that he is the one the prophets spoke about hundreds of years ago.

Read Matthew 2:1-23

Your Story:
Your birth and life may not have been foretold by prophets, but you can be absolutely confident that they were carefully planned. God has a plan for your life, just as he did for his Son. He knew all about you before you were conceived. He was there when you took your first breath, and he is with you now. The Son of God became flesh, coming to earth as a baby to live song God’s special creation. And his Spirit remains with you always.