The Problem With Sin

After establishing the fact that all people are in need of salvation through faith in Christ, Paul continues his letter to the Romans by showing how believers are freed from sin, the law and eternal death. Paul reminded his readers that humans are born with a sinful nature that doesn’t allow them to do good. Only by turning your life over to Christ, who has delivered you from sin, can you live well and do good through the power of the Spirit.

God’s Story:
The purpose of the law I gave Moses is to expose the sin that is in each person. Because of that sin, people cannot do good on their own. But from the beginning, I planned to conquer sin once and for all by sending my Son to die as the sacrifice for all the world. Because he lives, my people can live.

Read Romans 7:1-25
Your Story:
Because you are human, you have to struggle to do good even when you genuinely want to do what is right. What situation or temptation do you struggle with the most? How do you resist? Whom do you turn to for help?