Traveling Companions
By Ben Furman

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”         (Joshua 1:9)

Jesus walked an estimated 3000 miles during His 3-year public ministry. (I’m not sure if that includes His walks on water.) He walked most of those miles with company, usually His disciples. Jesus had a special relationship with the twelve men He specifically called to follow Him.

The disciples had a deep desire to follow Jesus and learn from Him — in essence, they wanted to KNOW Him. They spent lots of time with Jesus, including many hours and miles traveling the dusty roads.

Do you ever wish you could walk with Jesus just like those first disciples? To hear His preaching, experience His miracles, and pray alongside the Savior of the world? But if you were walking beside I’m, He’d see all your faults, wouldn’t He?

The greed in your heart that holds back your giving spirit.
The addiction that rears its ugly head when no one is watching.
The angry shutdown mode you turn on when you just don’t want to deal with your family struggles.

Jesus saw the shortcomings of His disciples too — plenty of them! At times, His disciples argued, didn’t listen, acted like children in front of children, and got upset when they would instead have shown compassion. But there were also incredible moments of teaching and learning, healing, and prayer. Jesus’ mercy and forgiveness were real for those disciples, and they are just as real for you today!

Jesus never fired His disciples, and He’ll never fire you, either. Instead, He frees you from the chains of sin. You can take comfort in the same promise He gave to His disciples:

“I am with you always, to the end of the age.”        (Matthew 28:20)

Ultimately, we never travel alone — around the house or around the world, on good days or bad days. Our Savior is present. His never-ending forgiveness is always here and everywhere. Enjoy spending time with Him . . . Hour by hour, mile after mile.

Jesus, I yearn to walk with You just like Your first disciples. Strengthen my faith. Show me Your grace and use your Word to guide me . . .