Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.        (John 16:24) NIV

Rather than choosing between the two, I’ve been both a coffee and a tea drinker, depending on the time of day and my mood. For years, I would only drink black coffee. Why would anyone want to ruin coffee with cream or anything else? But then, I discovered froth. The problem was, most of the coffee shops that could provide froth were an hour drive away. So when I discovered that I could purchase a small, hand-held, cute-as-a-bug’s-ear mini milk frother, I couldn’t wait to begin adding frothy foam to my traditional morning cup of coffee. But after 3 unsuccessful ties, I complained to my coffee-expert wife that the frother didn’t work. She asked, “Did you heat the milk up first?”    I had skipped a step. And it was an important step, it turns out.
Too many times, I confess, I have expected an outcome from the kind hand of Jesus but have skipped an important step. I may have complained, whined, tried to manufacture a homegrown solution, but neglected to ask in His name. Many theologians agree that we’re to ask not only in the power of Jesus’ name, but also in alignment with His will. When I ask that way, complete joy is the ultimate end product.

Faith Step:    What Jesus-honoring answer have you been longing to see? Just ask!