Waiting For Christ’s Encore

Paul wrote a 2nd letter to the Thessalonians just a few months after writing the first one. After receiving his 1st letter, the people continued to progress in their faith. But they had been unsettled by a false teaching that the day of the Lord had already come, which obviously was untrue. Paul wrote this 2nd, more commanding letter to correct those teachings and inform the people about what they had to look forward to.

God’s Story:
My Son will return suddenly, when no one is expecting it. Before that time, there will be great spiritual rebellion and upheaval, but those who trust me have no reason to worry. If they live each day according to my will and follow the teachings of Jesus, it does not matter when that day arrives — they will be ready & that’s all that matters!

Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

Your Story:
Because the events surrounding it are so mysterious, talk of Christ’s second coming can be disconcerting. While the Bible offers some signs of what to expect, much of it is one to interpretation and speculation. But you can be sure of this: Jesus WILL return in victory! There will always be those who teach error and persecute believers. Remember what Paul told the Thessalonians — it is important to “stand firm” in your faith (2 Thessalonians 2:15). God loves you, and by his grace he gives you encouragement as you await his Son’s return.