Who Do You Say I Am?

The religious leaders again questioned Jesus about breaking their rules. Jesus responded by scolding the leaders, revealing their hypocrisy in elevating their own human traditions above the commands of God. As Jesus’ ministry progressed, his true identity remained a mystery to many people, even to his disciples. Finally, he asked the disciples a critical question.

God’s Story:
The disciples have been with my Son for a couple of years now. They have heard and seen his signs and wonders. They have heard his voice of authority over nature, sickness and even death. And now, their spokesman, Peter, realizes that Jesus is the Messiah. But Peter’s concept of what that means is far from complete. He and the other disciples still have much to learn about my Son’s suffering, rejection and death. And beyond that, they will discover that — following in my Son’s footsteps — each of them will have to take up their own cross.

Read Mark 8:1 – 9:1

Your Story:
The people of Jesus’ time were uncertain of his true identity. When he was a toddler, the Magi had declared him a king, but the common people in Nazareth saw him as just a carpenter. Most people knew he was a great teacher and miracle worker, and some considered him a prophet. Today, people still struggle with who Jesus is: Some think he was a great teacher, a prophet, an exemplary role model or a mentally disturbed fool. Others call him Savior and Lord, the Son of God. It really doesn’t matter what others say. What do YOU say? Who is Jesus to you?