Who Is He?

God’s Story:
My Son’s ministry continues to baffle both common people and royalty. They love Jesus’ wondrous signs and healing abilities, but they do not understand he has come to give them so much more. Those who are fed bread and fish will be hungry again; those who are healed will eventually die. But Jesus has come to bring eternal life and victory to all those who believe in him.

Read Mark 6: 1-56

Your Story:
The people in Nazareth, Jesus’ hometown, could not comprehend Jesus power and authority, and their unbelief caused Jesus to choose not to perform many miracles there. People are often baffled by a local person who becomes a celebrity because they knew the person as a child, a gawky “tween” or a rebellious teenager. They are stunned by the poise, wisdom and polished presence of this now-unfamiliar person. Is this the same person that knew as a kid? Some may respond in pride, others in resentment. If Jesus had grown up in your neighborhood, how do you think you would have responded to his wisdom, fame and miracles?