Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 11

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 11

Answer the following questions about your readings this past week:

1.) Jesus was God in the flesh, and He willingly laid down His life for all of humanity so that “whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). When did that become a life-changing reality for you and lead you to repentance?

2.) After the resurrection of Christ, true believers were compelled to tell others about Him. Is Christ so real to you and your new birth in Him so obvious, that you are compelled to tell others?

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 10

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 10
Read John 3:1-30

We need more people like John the Baptist today. If you study his life, you’ll discover that no matter where he was, whether he was preaching to the great crowds that followed him to his wilderness pulpit or in a dungeon awaiting his impending death, his message was still the same: “Get to Jesus, for He alone can meet the needs of your life.” There was no doubt, insecurity, or jealousy about his role as the forerunner of Christ. He knew what it was to die to self so Christ could be exalted. Even Christ Himself said there was no greater prophet than John the Baptist (Luke 7:28).
We need more people who are constantly pointing others to Jesus. His last command to His disciples was to bear witness to Him. In our service to Christ, it is never about us; it’s about Him. Like John the Baptist, may we never seek to steal Jesus’ glory.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 9

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 9

Read John 2:1-25

The first recorded miracle of Jesus is one of the most talked-about passages in the Bible. Turning water into wine was just a preview of what would take place 3 years later, when Christ would once again turn hopelessness into victory through His resurrection.
The Word says that Jesus came to seek and to save (Luke 19:10), and this event is a great picture of that. The worst thing that could have happened on this couple’s special day would have been to run out of refreshments. Can you imagine how that would have marred their big day and the memory of it? Turning the water into wine saved the family from embarrassment and years of ridicule. Christ not only saved them from this despair, but He also completely satisfied the demands. The master of the feast was impressed thinking the bridegroom had saved the best for last. It was a testimony that Jesus satisfies, one which has been echoed throughout the ages.
Through this miracle, Jesus revealed that He is the God of the universe and that Hr reigns over all. Praise God that He reveals Himself to us, saves us from despair, and brings us new life! Praise Him that He is a God who gives beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, and a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3). Open your heart to the One who lovingly seeks, saves, and transforms.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 8

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 8

Read John 1:29-51

It didn’t take long for the first disciples to discover that the very Messiah the world had been waiting for had finally come. Jesus, the Christ, was on the scene, and He had reached out to them. Shortly after Jesus called them and they began to follow Him, these men wanted others to do the same. Philip started with his family, telling his little brother to “come and see” Jesus (vs. 46).
The disciples had a front row seat to all of Jesus’ good works and teachings. Jesus told Nathanael he would get to see miraculous things take place because of his trust and faith. Jesus promise we would see even greater things happen than the people of His day did. If we are not seeing these great things, could it be because we don’t ask? Or could it be that we’re not coming close enough to Jesus?
While He walked this earth, Jesus was always beckoning people to spend some time with Him, and He’s still beckoning today. Accept His invitation. Extend it to others. Spending time with Jesus and growing closer to Him opens the door for Him to do amazing things through you — things you can see! Don’t wait until you get to heaven to have your eyes opened to all you could have seen here on earth. Follow Him now, and you will see!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 7

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 7

Read John 1:1-28

People from earlier generations would’ve found it amazing to be able to text someone across the globe in a second, video chat, or have handheld computers like our phones. Today, those things are so common, they usually go unnoticed. We are no longer amazed by the technology that surrounds us. Familiarity certainly has a way of breeding contempt.
The message that God wrapped Himself up in human flesh to live among us and to die in our place is over 2000 years old. That familiarity, along with a culture that drowns out the true Christmas message with marketing schemes and spending sprees, makes it so that we must be careful not to lose our sense of wonder that the miraculous has occurred. Jesus came to earth and fulfilled God’s plan to redeem sinners!
Don’t let familiarity with the Christmas story or a materialistic culture keep you from putting your attention on Christ and helping others do the same. Instead of going on a shopping spree, offer God a heart full of worship and adoration. Stay focused on celebrating the miraculous incarnation of Christ and the great love of God!

Daily Walk through the New Testament August 6

Daily Walk through the New Testament

August 6

Read Luke 24:18-53

In the midst of one of the disciples’ greatest trials, Christ said to them, “Peace to you” (vs. 36). He also promised he would provide the power they needed to have victory and to be witnesses in the world.
Is your heart troubled? Allow Jesus’ peace and power to reign in you. Trust Him to lead you to victory, and then share it with others.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 5

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 5

Read Luke 23:44-24:17

Handling major disappointments is usually overwhelming and difficult to navigate. Imagine what it must have been like for Jesus’ disciples to watch Jesus on the cross. For 3 years they had pinned their hopes on the fact that Jesus would be there for them, and then they helplessly watched Him be brutally beaten, crucified, and buried. All their prayers felt futile. All their hopes and dreams were buried in the grave with Jesus.
Hopelessness, despair, and confusion clouded the disciples’ understanding of Jesus ministry among them. All that was left for them was the task of honoring His body with embalmment. When they discovered He had been resurrected, the disciples “remembered His words” (Luke 24:8) — they remembered He had promised to rise from the dead!
Hide the Word of God in your heart so that when the circumstances of life occur, they will not overwhelm or overcome you. And remember Jesus’ words: “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 4

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 4

Answer the following questions regarding your readings from this past week:

Can you give an effective answer that clarifies what you believe and why you believe it and that confronts any opposing belief?

2.   What can you do to develop a strong offense without being offensive?

3.   If you were Barabbas and someone paid your debt, assumed your                         punishment, and set you free, what would you do to show your                 gratefulness to your substitute?

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 3

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
August 3
Read Luke 23:13-43

Before you condemn Barabbas, think about how you compare to him. Yes, he was a rebel, but so are we. All of us are like sheep; we wander and go our own way, doing our own thing, being our own boss (Isaiah 53:6). We’re rebels.
Yes, Barabbas was a murderer. But consider this: for whose sins did Jesus die? Our sins were the nails that held Him on the cross. Our hard hearts were the hammers. All of us are guilty, just like Barabbas.
The good news is that, like Barabbas, all of us can accept the payment and freedom Jesus dies to give us. Here was a guilty man who deserved the full punishment of the law, and yet an innocent man died in his place and took his punishment. Why? What had he done — and what have we done — to deserve such love? Nothing.
Today, be grateful for the amazing grace of Jesus!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 2

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
August 2
Read Luke 22:54-23:12

In one night, Peter went from exhibiting furious loyalty to Jesus to denying he even knew Him. How could a rugged fisherman cut an ear off a Roman soldier and then be such a coward in front of a teenage servant in a matter of hours?
Peter experienced the power of enjoying Jesus’ presence. As long as Peter was with Jesus, he was bold and faithful. Left on his own, he compromised.
Learn to enjoy abiding with Jesus. Stay close to Him daily through personal devotions, worship, Bible study, and continual prayer. Any of us are capable of denying Jesus when we try to stand alone. Stay close to Him.